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企 业 名 称:斯莱达医疗用品(惠州)有限公司

所 属 网 库:惠州医药网库

联 系 人:余珍纯女士

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:医疗器械 医疗用品 医疗器械 医疗用品

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 博罗县 广东省惠州市博罗县园洲镇沙头工业区

联 系 电 话:86-0752-6358312

公 司 传 真:86-0752-6358899

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:其他

主 营 行 业:手术专用设备


    Emedical(斯莱达)座落在广东省惠州市博罗县园洲镇沙头工业区内,由英国和香港斯莱达投资成立,从事医疗用品生产和销售。企业主要从事呼吸和麻醉用品的研发和生产。厂房超过面积超过10000平方米,已在二00七年十二月正式投产 。公司除具备良好的研发、生产条件外,还拥有优秀的销售队伍及完善的销售网络。 公司销售总部设在广州,并已设斯莱达驻当地代表处。公司拥有医疗用品经营许可证,可代理其它品牌产品销售业务。同时亦可根据客户来样或要求,开发新产品,接受客户OEM订单业务。 本公司愿与国内、外业界同仁建立长期合作伙伴关系,同赢互惠。欢迎各大客户来电或来我公司洽谈合作事宜。 Emedical is located in Shatou Industrial Area, Yuanzhou City, Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, which provides medical and surgical products, such as breathing equipments, anesthetic instruments or further relative components. In 2007, we incorporated the Excellentcare Medical International Ltd, which is located in Hong Kong by the international funds from UK and Hong Kong. At the same year, our Emedical manufactory, which has over 10,000 m (2.5 acre) in China, commenced work successfully. With the most marvelous team’s supports, Emedical aims to maximize the potential of service through a combination of enhanced quality of products, and innovative cost and pricing. Besides, we located our own Sale and Supply department in Guangzhou. As Emedical has fully licenses on sale, manufacture and distribution, we are able to offer distributed service for co-operated companies. In addition to supply our own branded product, Emedical also offers contract services by supplying professional customized products and components for the other healthcare companies, such as OEM service. Emedical guarantees to offer you the best and the most professional service. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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